Echelon and Genoa (1)
01 September 2001
The plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 5 September adopted the report on the Echelon spying system and has a discussion on events in Genoa.
The central issue of the UK's involvement in the Echelon system remains unanswered - it is the only EU member state in Echelon and gathers commercial and political intelligence through it.
Report on debate in the European Parliament, the
full-text of the adopted report, the
Resolution and the European Commissioner's
The debate on the confrontations in Genoa between police and protestors and on the police raids in the parliament was to say the least mixed. Some speakers wanted closer police cooperation on law and order, others were critical of the police role. Some were sorry too little attention was paid to the Summit itself, others that the Summits were not the solution to world poverty:
Report>/a> The parliament's Committee on Ctizens' Freedoms and Rights is to draw up a report on Genoa and policing.