28 March 2012
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UK Terrorism
Act 2000
New definition of "terrorism" can criminalise dissent
and extra-parliamentary action
After years of parliamentary opposition to the renewal of the
Prevention of Terrorism Act, Labour in government has produced
a new anti-terrorist law which is not only permanent but also
broader in its scope and application than previous "emergency"
and "temporary" legislation. The Terrorism Act 2000
received royal assent on 20 July and provisions relating to Northern
Ireland came into immediate effect. The remainder of the Act
will be implemented in early 2001.
The process began six years ago when the then Conservative government
set up an "Inquiry into Legislation Against Terrorism",
chaired by Lord Lloyd of Berwick. The Inquiry was asked to consider
the need for counter-terrorist powers in the wake of the emerging
Irish peace process and the likely decline in activity by the
armed groups. It produced a two volume report in 1996 (Command
Paper Cm 3420) (see Statewatch vol 7 no 1) which concluded that
the UK required permanent anti-terrorist legislation to deal
with internal and international threats, irrespective of the
Irish situation. The Lloyd Report came up with a new legal definition
of "terrorism" and considered a range of new and existing
powers to form the basis of any future legislation. Each of these
was looked at with respect to existing European Convention on
Human Rights' jurisprudence, such as the Brogan ruling against
seven-day detention. It is because the government wished to retain
the power to detain and question people for up to seven days
without charge that it entered a derogation from the Convention
on grounds that the "life of the nation" was under
threat. This notion, that the situation in Northern Ireland constituted
such a threat, was last tested in the European Court of Human
Rights in 1993 - the derogation was upheld. The Human Rights
Act continues the derogation.
The next step was the publication of a joint Northern Ireland
Office/Home Office document - Legislation Against Terrorism.
A Consultation Paper (Cm 4178) - in December 1998. The government's
intention was to modernise counter-terrorist powers, to make
them permanent and to "maximise the appropriateness and
effectiveness of the UK's response to all forms of terrorism"
including "new forms of terrorism which may develop in the
future". In other words, the new provisions were to cover
"international", "domestic" and "Irish"
terrorism. The latter, however, would remain subject to a range
of additional temporary powers incorporated into the new law.
The consultation period, as well as subsequent parliamentary
debates on the Terrorism Bill, generated much discussion around
the proposed legislation's compatibility with the Human Rights
Act 1998 (incorporating the European Convention into UK law).
Some of the argument went further, challenging both the need
and desirability of legislation which would expand the type of
actions and threats defined as "terrorism", thereby
widening the criminalisation of expressions of support for international
and internal groups. Notwithstanding government assurances that
no domestic groups are likely to be proscribed under present
circumstances (aside from those relating to "Irish terrorism")
there is, nevertheless, widespread concern among campaigning
groups that any extra-parliamentary activity may come within
the scope of new legislation. It is likely, however, that the
government would wish to proscribe organisations in other countries,
and this is sure to have an impact on freedom of expression and
open political debate, not to mention solidarity work.
Interpretation of definition crucial
Much of the legal argument surrounding the passage of the Terrorism
Act focused on the definition of "terrorism". Section
1 of the Act elaborates the meaning of "terrorism"
over five subsections. "Terrorism" can mean the threat
of, as well as the use of, an action. Section 1(4) makes it clear
that this "action" can occur anywhere within or outside
the UK. Similarly, the persons, property or government affected
by the threat or action itself can be anywhere in the world.
The purpose of the action or threat is important for the definition
of terrorism. The purpose must be to influence government "or
to intimidate the public or a section of the public" for
any "political, religious or ideological cause" (S1(1)b
and c). The types of action are defined in Section 1 (2) and
include "serious violence against a person", "serious
damage to property", endangering a person's life, creating
a "serious risk to the health and safety of the public",
and "seriously" interfering or disrupting an electronic
system. "Terrorism" is also defined by the weaponry
involved, whether or not it is designed to be used to influence
government or the public. Firearms and explosives deployed in
any of the actions in S1(2) means that "terrorism"
is involved.
This is a far cry from the old definition of terrorism in the
Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA): "the use of violence
for political ends" and "any use of violence for the
purpose of putting the public, or any section of the public in
fear". The powers described in the PTA applied specifically
to "terrorism connected with the affairs of Northern Ireland".
In 1984, this was extended to cover "international terrorism".
With the new extended definition, there are a number of areas
for interpretation: what constitutes a "threat"? What
is an "ideological cause"? What is meant by "serious"
as opposed to any other variety of violence? What is a "serious
risk to health" and what is meant by a threat to intimidate
the public? How explicit do such intentions have to be? All this
is important because all other powers elaborated in the Terrorism
Act flow from Section 1.
The Terrorism Act replaces the latest versions of the PTA (1989)
and the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act (1996). Most
of the powers in both pieces of legislation, as well as the Criminal
Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Act 1998 (passed after the
Omagh bomb) find their way into the new Act, either as permanent
provisions or as time limited measures applying to Northern Ireland
only. The Act contains 131 sections and 16 schedules, including
Schedule 2 which lists the currently proscribed organisations.
Following the definition of "terrorism" the Act goes
on to describe the procedures for proscription, which now include
appeals and applying for de-proscription. Sections 11 to 23 describe
a range of offences including membership of and support for a
proscribed organisation. Under 12 (2) it is an offence to arrange
a meeting at which a member of a proscribed group speaks, or
which supports a proscribed organisation or furthers its activities.
The wearing of uniforms or an item of clothing which indicates
support for a proscribed organisation is covered by Section 13.
Other offences include fund-raising, the use of property for
terrorist purposes, money laundering and failure to disclose
information about a terrorist offence. Sections 24 to 31 cover
the "seizure of terrorist cash" where an officer has
a reasonable suspicion that the cash is being used for terrorist
purposes. Among the more controversial sections are those concerned
with "directing terrorism", collecting information
and the possession or any article, such as a coffee jar, which
might be of use to terrorism.
Most of the Act is concerned with police powers such as stop
and search of vehicles, arrest without warrant, searching of
premises without warrant, powers concerning access to bank accounts
and other financial records, the cordoning off of areas and specific
powers to detain and question at ports and borders. Sections
65 to 113 relate solely to Northern Ireland and have to be renewed
periodically. Seven day detention remains but is now subject
to judicial rather than executive authority. Detainees can be
refused access to a lawyer as before.
The main challenges to the new Act are likely to involve Human
Rights Act provisions on freedom of expression, association and
assembly which arguably are contradicted the defined offences
covering meetings and speaking at meetings. Another area for
contest are the presumptions of guilt involved in sections on
the collection and possession of information and articles likely
to be of use to terrorists. The onus is on the suspect to prove
that items are for another purpose and this goes against the
presumption of innocence written into the Convention. There are
also concerns about the degree to which powers in the Act are
delegated to the Secretary of State rather than subject to parliamentary
Two years ago, human rights lawyer Conor Gearty warned that the
government's consultation paper was indicative of "legislative
planning in the old, pre-Human Rights Act style".(1) This
involved the executive taking the European Convention on Human
Rights seriously "only when it throws a European Court judgement
across its path, but otherwise treating human rights and civil
liberties as desirable but wholly dispensable accessories".
It might have been anticipated that the consultation period and
subsequent parliamentary debates would have made the Act more
sensitive to Convention rights, but this does not appear to be
the case. The pace of litigation will depend on how quickly the
government moves to proscribe international and "domestic"
groups, and the continuing use of anti-terrorist powers in respect
of Irish-related matters. But once this legal "bedding down"
occurs, the prospects for removing permanent anti-terrorist law
and associated specialist police bodies and actions becomes remote,
with the inevitable consequence of the criminalising of dissent
and extra-parliamentary politics.
Footnote: 1. Gearty, C (1999) "Terrorism and human rights:
a case study in impending legal realities", Legal Studies,
vol 19 no 3, pp 367-379.
This article first appeared in Statewatch bulletin, vol 10 no
5 (September-October 2000)
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