28 March 2012
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EU Presidency Conclusions
at the Seville European Council 21/22 June
Despite reports in the
mainstream media the EU committed itself to target third world
countries who do not cooperate with repatriation.
In future all EU agreements with non-EU states are to: "include a clause on joint management of migration flows and on compulsory readmission in the event of illegal immigration" (para.33). This to include those who are "unlawfully present" in the EU, eg: own nationals of the third country and people who may have passed through the third country in transit. "In the event" that there is an: "unjustified lack of cooperation" the EU will apply direct pressure through agreements on trade, aid and assistance coupled with political and diplomatic sanctions (emphasis added).
Documents (pdf) considered
in Seville:
1. Advances made in combating illegal immigration, document:
2. Plan for the management of the external borders of
the EU agreed by the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 13 June
2002: 10019/02
3. Cooperation with third countries of origin and transit
to jointly combat illegal immigration: 9917/3/02
Other background documents:
1. Comprehensive Action Plan to combat illegal immigration and
trafficking of human beings in the EU. Adopted by the Justice
and Home Affairs Council on 28 February without debate. No drafts
of the measure were made public until after its adoption: 6621/1/02
2. Commission report on the relationship between
safeguarding internal security and complying with international
protection obligations and instruments: Statewatch
report and documentation (COM(2001) 743, 5.12.01): Report
3. Commission Green Paper (COM(2002) 175 on expulsion, 10.4.02):
Background developments:
1. "Fortress Europe - Stage 2":
EU Border Police proposed: Report
2, EU plans to extend
the Schengen Information System (SIS) to:
i) create
EU database to target "suspected" protestors and bar
them from entering a country where a protest is planned;
ii) create EU database of all "foreigners" to remove
third country nationals who have not left within the "prescribed
time frame":
Statewatch report
3. see also: Statewatch's
Observatory on EU asylum and immigration policies
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor,
"We should all be ashamed of what has been agreed in our names by the EU Prime Ministers and Ministers in Seville. The swathe of measures being put in place means the EU is heading for a situation where people fleeing poverty and persecution are to be expelled, repatriated, deported, back to where they have come from regardless of the circumstances.
The rationale of EU governments
is that they must respond to the demands of the far-right - the
racists and the fascists - by what they call "triangulation",
that is to say by adopting far-right policies to try and exclude
them from national parliaments. Such a policy of appeasement
has an appalling historical precedent"
Extract from the Presidency Conclusions agrreed in
26. The European Council is determined to speed up the implementation
of all aspects of the programme adopted in Tampere for the creation
of an area of freedom, security and justice in the European Union.
The European Council points here to the need to develop a European
Union common policy on the separate, but closely related, issues
of asylum and immigration.
27. It is crucial for the European Union and its Member States
that migration flows should be managed in accordance with the
law, in cooperation with the countries of origin and transit
of such flows. The European Council therefore welcomes the results
achieved over the last six months, in particular the comprehensive
plan to combat illegal immigration, the plan for the management
of external borders and the Directive laying down minimum standards
for the reception of asylum seekers in Member States, and calls
on forthcoming Presidencies to continue to give migration issues
a special place in their work schedules.
28. Measures taken in the short and medium term for the joint
management of migration flows must strike a fair balance between,
on the one hand, an integration policy for lawfully resident
immigrants and an asylum policy complying with international
conventions, principally the 1951 Geneva Convention, and, on
the other, resolute action to combat illegal immigration and
trafficking in human beings.
29. The Unions action in this area should be based on the
following principles:
-· the legitimate aspiration to a better life has to be
reconcilable with the reception capacity of the Union and its
Member States and immigration must pass through the legal channels
provided for it; the integration of immigrants lawfully present
in the Union entails both rights and obligations in relation
to the fundamental rights recognised within the Union; combating
racism and xenophobia is of essential importance here;
-· in accordance with the 1951 Geneva Convention, it is
important to afford refugees swift, effective protection, while
making arrangements to prevent abuse of the system and ensuring
that those whose asylum applications have been rejected are returned
to their countries of origin more quickly.
Measures to combat illegal immigration
30. In the comprehensive plan to combat illegal immigration,
the European Union has equipped itself with an effective means
of bringing about proper management of migration flows and combating
illegal immigration. The
European Council calls on the Council and the Commission, within
their respective spheres of responsibility, to attach top priority
to the following measures contained in the plan:
-· review, before the end of the year, of the list of
third countries whose nationals require visas or are exempt from
that requirement;
-· introduction, as soon as possible, of a common identification
system for visa data, in the light of a feasibility study to
be submitted in March 2003 and on the basis of guidelines from
the Council; a preliminary report will be presented before the
end of 2002;
-· speeding up of the conclusion of readmission agreements
currently being negotiated and approval of new briefs for the
negotiation of readmission agreements with countries already
identified by the Council;
-· as regards expulsion and repatriation policies, adoption
by the end of the year, of the components of a repatriation programme
based on the Commission Green Paper; those components should
include the best possible facilities for early return to Afghanistan;
-· formal adoption, at the next Justice and Home Affairs
Council meeting, of the Framework Decision on combating trafficking
in human beings, the Framework Decision on the strengthening
of the penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorised
entry, transit and residence and the Directive defining the facilitation
irregular entry, transit and residence.
Gradual introduction of coordinated, integrated management
of external borders
31. The European Council welcomes the various recent initiatives
in this area and in particular the Commission communication entitled
"Towards integrated management of the external borders of
the Member States of the European Union", the feasibility
study carried out under Italys leadership concerning the
establishment of a European border police force, taking account
of the intention expressed by the Commission to continue examining
the advisability and feasibility of such a police force, and
the study concerning police and border security, carried out
by three Member States under the OISIN cooperation programme.
32. The European Council applauds the recent approval of the
plan for the management of the external borders of the Member
States, based on those three initiatives, which should, among
other aims, help bring greater control of migration flows. It
urges the introduction without delay, within the framework of
the Council, of the common unit for external border practitioners,
composed of Member States heads of border control, to coordinate
measures contained in the plan.
It also requests the Council, the Commission and the Member States,
each within its respective sphere of responsibility, to implement
the following:
- before the end of 2002:
-· joint operations at external borders;
-· immediate initiation of pilot projects open to all
interested Member States;
-· creation of a network of Member States' immigration
liaison officers;
before June 2003:
-· preparation of a common risk analysis model, in order
to achieve common integrated risk assessment;
-· establishment of a common core curriculum for border
guard training and consolidation of European provisions concerning
-· a study by the Commission concerning burden-sharing
between Member States and the Union for the management of external
Integration of immigration policy into the Unions relations
with third countries
33. The European Council considers that combating illegal immigration
requires a greater effort by the European Union and a targeted
approach to the problem, with the use of all appropriate instruments
in the context of the European Union's external relations. To
that end, in accordance with the Tampere European Council conclusions,
an integrated, comprehensive and balanced approach to tackle
the root causes of illegal immigration must remain the European
Union's constant long-term objective. With this in mind, the
European Council points out that closer economic cooperation,
trade expansion, development assistance and conflict prevention
are all means of promoting economic prosperity in the countries
concerned and thereby reducing the underlying causes of migration
flows. The European Council urges that any future cooperation,
association or equivalent agreement which the European Union
or the European Community concludes with any country should include
a clause on joint management of migration flows and on compulsory
readmission in the event of illegal immigration.
34. The European Council highlights the importance of ensuring
the cooperation of countries of origin and transit in joint management
and in border control as well as on readmission. Such readmission
by third countries should include that of their own nationals
unlawfully present in a Member State and, under the same conditions,
that of other countries nationals who can be shown to have
passed through the country in question. Cooperation should bring
results in the short and medium term. The Union is prepared to
provide the necessary technical and
financial assistance for the purpose, in which case the European
Community will have to be allocated the appropriate resources,
within the limits of the financial perspective.
35. The European Council considers it necessary to carry out
a systematic assessment of relations with third countries which
do not cooperate in combating illegal immigration. That assessment
will be taken into account in relations between the European
Union and its Member States and the countries concerned, in all
relevant areas. Inadequate cooperation by a country could hamper
the establishment of closer relations between that country and
the Union.
36. After full use has been made of existing Community mechanisms
without success, the Council may unanimously find that a third
country has shown an unjustified lack of cooperation in joint
management of migration flows. In that event the Council may,
in accordance with the rules laid down in the treaties, adopt
measures or positions under the Common Foreign and Security Policy
and other European Union policies, while honouring the Unions
contractual commitments and not jeopardising development cooperation
Speeding up of current legislative work on the framing of
a common policy on asylum and immigration
37. In parallel with closer cooperation in combating illegal
immigration, there is a need to press ahead with examination
of proposals under discussion. The European Council urges the
Council to adopt:
· by December 2002, the Dublin II Regulation;
· by June 2003, the minimum standards for qualification
and status as refugees and the provisions on family reunification
and the status of long-term permanent residents;
· by the end of 2003, the common standards for asylum
38. The Commission will submit a report to the Council in late
October 2002 on the effectiveness of financial resources available
at Community level for repatriation of immigrants and rejected
asylum seekers, for management of external borders and for asylum
and migration projects in third countries.
39. The European Council asks the Council, in cooperation with
the Commission, to submit for the European Council meeting in
June 2003 a report on the practical implementation of the guidelines
set out in this section.
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