News in Brief March 2002
01 March 2002
March 2002
Scathing attack on migrants conditions and detention in Canary Islands:
USA: EPIC FOIA Request Seeks Homeland Security Documents on biometric identity documents:
UK: Home Office consultation document on changes in stop and search procedures:
Stop and search
Report from US "Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press": "Homefront Confidential: How the war on terrorism affects access to information and the public's right to know":
Report (pdf)
Belgian investigation into ECHELON:
Gothenburg police to be charged with "neglect of duty"?:
The UK and Romania have set up a joint intelligence unit in Bucharest to "fight illegal migration", background interview with Romanian Minister of the Interior:
The European Convention on the future structure of the EU started work on 28 February. The official Convention website:
Convention, there has been set up a site for "civil society" to make its views known:
"Official civil society" site
UK: Home Guidance for police and public on sections of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, including fingerprinting and obligation of public to pass on information:
Guidance (link)