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- European Parliament's Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights delays its report on EU biometric passports until the autumn
European Parliament's Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights delays its report on EU biometric passports until the autumn
01 April 2004
EU biometric passports: European Parliament's Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights meeting in Brussels today (6.4.04) decided to delay its report on the European Commission's proposal for EU biometric passports until the autumn. The rapporteur, Ole Sørensen MEP (ELDR) said that:
"The European Parliament is not in a position to endorse the proposals& as long as the commission does not put its cards on the table and fully inform us of its strategy. We need proper democratic scrutiny of this far-reaching legislation, which in the worst case scenario could represent a step towards systematic registration of EU citizens' personal data."
The decision postpones consideration of legislative proposals on biometrics in visas and passports until after the European elections. Under the EU's 'consultation' procedure COM/2004/116 cannot be adopted without parliament's non-binding opinion. See:
eupolitix.com (link). See also: Statewatch legal analysis:
Legal analysis and Statewatch report on "The road to "1984" Part 2:
Report including full-text of proposal.