Stop and search continues to target black and Asian people
01 August 2004
An analysis by Statewatch of the latest official figures show that under PACE 1984 (Police and Criminal Evidence Act) black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people and Asians twice as likely. While under the Terrorism Act 2000: the total number of stop and searches is up 150% - the number of stop and searches of Asian people is up 285% and those of black people by 229%. Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments:
"After a dip in the use of stop and search powers against black and Asian people in the aftermath of the Macpherson inquiry into the killing of Stephen Lawrence the use of all powers is on the increase. The disproportionate use of stop and search against black and Asian people is inevitably building up resentment. No lessons appear to have been learnt from the past"
Statewatch analysis of stop and search figures (pdf)
Press statement (pdf) (19.8.04)