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- Action Plan on terrorism - updated version dated 11 June
Action Plan on terrorism - updated version dated 11 June
01 June 2004
10010/3/04 (pdf). This and the documents below are to be discussed at the EU Summit (a meeting of the 25 Prime Ministers) in Brussels on 17-18 June 2004.
updated 15.6.04: European Commission evaluation of the implementation by member states of the Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism:
Evaluation report (pdf) See also detailed Appendix to European Commission report on the controversial Framework Decision on combating terrorism:
SEC (2004) 688 (pdf)
Background: New EU Action Plan on terrorism adopted 8 June by the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg: The Plan is an update of the Action Plan dated 14 November 2002:
13909/1/02. A fuller list of measures is set out in the Commission's "Compendium". Both the Plan of Action and the Compendium should be assessed against the Statewatch "Scoreboard" which analysed the measures agreed at the EU Summit on 25 March 2004 and found that a number had little or nothing to do with combating terrorism.
a. EU Plan of Action on combating terrorism (dated 1 June):
Full-text (pdf)
b. European Commission Compendium: Counter-terrorism Actions:
Full-text (pdf)
c. Report on implementation:
Full-text (pdf)
d. Report from EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator: two "peer" evaluations:
9876/04 (pdf)
e. Role of the Working Party on Terrorism:
8673/1/04 (pdf)
f. Working structures on terrorism - Options paper:
9791/04 (pdf)
Statewatch Scoreboard (pdf)
Statewatch Timetable updated: 2 June 2004 (pdf)