EU: Mandatory data retention latest documents
01 December 2005
Latest (revised) set of Council amendments (EU doc no: 15449/05, 6.12.05, pdf)
Commission Declaration to be Annexed (EU doc no: 15449/05 ADD 1, 7.12.05)
The former document includes the observation that:
"The Presidency concluded that, provided that the European Parliament agreed amendments to the Commission proposal in the exact form as set out in Annex I and that the Commission would amend its proposal accordingly, the Council would be in a position to adopt the proposed Directive in the form of the text thus amended." (emphasis added)
In other words the European Parliament is not to be allowed to change a "dot or comma" of the text.
The parliament will vote on 12 December at its plenary session under a "fast-track" 1st reading procedure. The "exact" amendments accepted in secret negotiations by the two largest groups in the parliament, the PPE (conservative) and PSE (socialist), will be voted through unless an amendment is passed. There is the
Green/EFA group table rejection amendment (link) and another from Charlotte Cederschiold MEP (PPE) seeking to re-introduce the reimbursement of costs for the telecommunications industry (backed by 37 MEPs). Whether Mr Alvaro (ALDE, liberal group) will keep his name on a report which bears little resemblance to his draft report remains to be seen. See Statewatch analysis:
"The European Parliament and data retention: Chronicle of a 'sell-out' foretold?" (pdf) by Professor Steve Peers.