UK: Prevention of Terrorism Bill
01 February 2005
Full-text (pdf) introducing "control orders" (including "house arrest") on "suspected" people for "terrorist-related" activities and
Explanatory Notes (link). It is intended to rush this through parliament in just 14 days. The Home Office has also produced four short briefing papers intended to emphasis the need for this new law:
Paper One: International terrorism:
The threat
Paper Two: International terrorism:
The government's strategy
Paper Three: International terrorism:
Reconciling liberty and security - the government's strategy to reduce the threat
Paper Four: International terrorism:
Protect and prepare
Judicial confirmation does not constitute a fair trial (Liberty, link)
Liberty Briefing on control orders (pdf)
Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, Part IV, Section 28 - Review February 2004 by Lord Carlile (pdf)
Liberty 2nd Reading Briefing (link)