EU: Confusion over the Visa Information System (VIS) continues

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A Note (20.6.05) from the EU Presidency of the Council of the European Union calls for an an "additional period of reflection". First, "certain delegations" want only 2 fingerprints to be recorded (like for the planned EU passport) but a majority want 10 fingerprints. Second, a study carried out in the Netherlands shows that it is very difficult to "capture" fingerprints from small children leading to the question whether there should be a lower age limit - and for EU passports too? Third, having collected fingerprints from visa applicants in their own countries then stored on the central VIS database there is still no agreement on just how and where checks against the data held will be carried out in the EU. Note from Presidency (French, 10222/01/05). See also: Analysis from Statewatch on the linkage between VIS and SIS II: SIS II fait accompli? Construction of EU's Big Brother database underway (pdf)

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