France: Text of the new anti-terrorist law
01 February 2006
The new antiterrorist law, which contains provisions concerning security and border controls, introduces changes affecting: videosurveillance (chapter 1); the control of travel, and the use of information on telephone and electronic exchanges by people who are liable to take part in terrorist acts (ch. 2); the automatic treatment of personal data (ch. 3); the repression of terrorism and the execution of sentences (ch. 4); measures concerning the victims of terrorism (ch. 5); the loss of French nationality (ch. 6); provisions affecting audio-visual broadcasters (ch. 7); combating the financing of terrorism (ch. 8); private security activity and airport security (ch. 9); provisions affecting overseas territories (ch. 10); and final provisions (ch. 11). in French, pdf). LOI no 2006-64 du 23 janvier 2006 relative à la lutte contre le terrorisme et portant dispositions diverses relatives à la sécurité et aux contrôles frontaliers (1).
Source: Journal Officiel de la République Française, 24.1.2006.
The page of the French Senate concerning this law is particularly helpful, as it contains the opinion of the Constitutional Court
( which considers some aspects of articles 6 and 19 to be unconstitutional, reports by the different commissions that have examined it, and documents the legislative stages that the law has undergone in detail. The French Senate's legislative dossier on the new antiterrorist law is available at: