EU: "Tamil Tigers" added to EU "terrorist" list

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See: Statewatch "terrorist" list site

The formal EU decision was taken on 29 May 2006, following earlier threats to do so. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have already been proscribed by the UK, US and Canada. Anton Balasingham, the Tamil Tigers' chief negotiator, commented:

"Further proscriptions will invigorate the hardline [Sinhalese] elements in the south, including those in the present Sri Lankan government urging the military defeat of the LTTE and silence those advocating a negotiated solution... The more the international community alienates the LTTE, the more the LTTE will be compelled to tread a hardline individualist path."

The EU declares itself "fully committed to the peace process in Sri Lanka" and recognises that the "upsurge in violence is not caused by the LTTE alone". It sees no contradiction in banning the LTTE, freezing its funds and assets and prohibiting financial support while only "strongly urging the Sri Lankan authorities to curb violence in Government controlled areas".

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