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- EU: On eve of International Migrants Day, PACE committee head slams EU proposals for irregular migrants
EU: On eve of International Migrants Day, PACE committee head slams EU proposals for irregular migrants
01 December 2007
Press release (Strasbourg, 17.12.2007)
"An EU proposal to fix at 18 months the maximum period of detention for irregular migrants in Europe “flies in the face of humanity”, according to the Chair of the Migration Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)."
Resolution (pdf) and
Recommendations (pdf)
Standing Committee of experts (Utrecht) - Opinion (pdf) and see also:
ECRE-AI letter (pdf)
Hearing with NGOs on the Return Directive, Wednesday, 12 December 2007, European Parliament, Strasbourg The Group GUE/NGL host key NGOs to debate the return directive and the future of European immigration policy: 17.00 hrs with Migreurop (European NGOs Network), European Conference of Churches (tbc), GISTI (France), CIRE (Belgium), Statewatch (EU civil liberties), ARCI (Italy), KERK IN ACTIE (Netherlands, tbc), CIMADE (France), PRO ASYL (Germany) (tbc) See also:
No to the Outrageuous Directive - Appeal to Members of the European Parliament (link)
- "State of play": For the rejection of the Directive:
English (pdf) and
French (pdf)
Conference of European Churches - Press Release No.07-45/e 19 November 2007: CEC Central Committee concerned about administrative detention of migrants and re-entry ban in EU countires (pdf)
Against the detention and forced removal of minors (link)
Commission Proposal for a Directive on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (original)
European Parliament draft Resolution for debate at plenary session (pdf)
Statewatch analysis: The original EU Directive on return expulsion (Frances Webber analysis, April 2007)
Statewatch analysis: Revising the proposed EU Expulsion Directive (Steve Peers analysis of German text, April 2007)
- House of Lords Select Committee on the EU:
Illegal Migrants: proposals for a common EU returns policy (May 2006, pdf)