EU: Regulation (EC) 168/2007 of 15 February 2007 establishing a European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

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Regulation (EC) 168/2007 (pdf)

The Agency will be controlled by a Management Board dominated by EU governments - each will nominate a member - quite contrary to the "Paris Principles" (UN General Assembly, December 1993) which expressly state that government representatives (both national and EU in this context) should "participate in the deliberations only in an advisory capacity" - not on the management bodies. The Agency will also be precluded from looking at "police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters".

Series of statements on the Regulation EU doc no 6166/07 including:

"The Council agrees to re-examine, before 31 December 2009, the remit of the Agency for Fundamental Rights, with a view to the possibility of extending it to cover the areas of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters." (emphasis in original)

Does the EU need a “Fundamental Rights Agency”? Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, looks at the proposal and wonders if it will be just another “figleaf” for inaction (April 2005)

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