EU: Visa Information System (fingerprint database)
01 February 2007
Latest draft proposal compares the Commission proposal and the Council of the European union (the 27 governments) current position:
EU doc no: 5213/07 and the state of play in the Council's position and negotiations with the European Parliament:
EU doc no: 5456/07
Statewatch coverage: EU:
Fingerprinting of children - the debate goes on and
EU states will be free to fingerprint children from day one of their life as soon as it is technologically possible Standing committee of experts on international immigration, refugee and criminal law (Meijers Committee):
Note on the recent proposal by the Commission to amend the EC Visa Regulation (pdf)
Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor, January 2006,
EU Data protection working party criticise proposals on VIS and
Study for the extended impact assessment of VIS (2004)