28 March 2012
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The UK police terrorism arrest statistics (excluding Northern
Ireland) from 11 September 2001 – 31 March 2007
(Source: Home Office)
A total of 1228 arrests were made:
1165 arrests under the Terrorism Act 2000
63 arrests under legislation other than the Terrorism Act, where
the investigation was conducted as a terrorist investigation
Of the total 1228 arrested:
132 charged with terrorism legislation offences only
109 charged with terrorism legislation offences and other criminal
195 charged under other legislation including murder, grievous
bodily harm, firearms, explosives offences, fraud, false documents
76 handed over to immigration authorities
15 on police bail awaiting charging decisions
1 warrant issued for arrest
12 cautioned
1 dealt with under youth offending procedures
11 dealt with under mental health legislation
4 transferred to Police Service of Northern Ireland custody
2 remanded in custody awaiting extradition proceedings
669 released without charge
1 awaiting further investigation
Of those charged:
41 Terrorism Act convictions to date
183 convicted under other legislation: murder and explosives
offences (including conspiracies), grievous bodily harm, firearms
offences, fraud, false documents offences, etc (this includes
the 12 cautions detailed above)
114 at or awaiting trial
(Source: These statistics are compiled from police records by
the offices of the National Coordinator for Terrorist Investigations.
They are subject to change as cases go through the system.)
The UK police terrorism arrest statistics (excluding Northern Ireland) from 11 September 2001 – 31 December 2006 (Source Home Office)
Show 1166 arrests were made:
1126 arrests under the Terrorism Act 2000
40 arrests under legislation other than the Terrorism Act, where
the investigation was conducted as a terrorist investigation
Of the total 1166 arrested:
117 charged with terrorism legislation offences only
104 charged with terrorism legislation offences and other criminal
186 charged under other legislation including murder, grievous
bodily harm, firearms, explosives offences, fraud, false documents
74 handed over to immigration authorities
3 on police bail awaiting charging decisions
1 warrant issued for arrest
12 cautioned
1 dealt with under youth offending procedures
10 dealt with under mental health legislation
4 transferred to Police Service of Northern Ireland custody
2 remanded in custody awaiting extradition proceedings
652 released without charge
Of those charged:
40 Terrorism Act convictions to date
180 convicted under other legislation, including murder, grievous
bodily harm, firearms, explosives offences, fraud, false documents
98 at or awaiting trial
4 at or awaiting trial for non-terrorism related offences only
(Source: These statistics are compiled from police records by
the offices of the National Co-ordinator for Terrorist Investigations).
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