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- EU: High-level EU committee discusses an EU-wide database on protesters
EU: High-level EU committee discusses an EU-wide database on protesters
01 November 2007
The Article 36 Committee (high-level officials from national Interior/Justice Ministries) which services the EU's justice and Home Affairs Council, discussed at its meeting on 22-23 October 2007 (
EU doc no: 15079/07):
"Information sharing on violent trouble makers related to large scale events: The German delegation presented its paper about possible options for sharing information on violent troublemakers at large events. It was agreed that the SIS/SIRENE group would examine the possibility of using the SIS for this exchange of information."
This issue came up at the recent G6 group of EU states (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK meeting in Poland:
Joint Declaration by the Ministers of Interior of G6 States Sopot, 18 October 2007 (pdf) including a direct reference to the mass protests at the G8 Heiligendamm Summit earlier this year the Ministers refer to the
"acts of violence" at
"mass events" which affected the
"security of participants" and want to
"continue the discussion" on
"providing security and public order".
See Statewatch report:
Heiligendamm G8 Summit: a chronology of protest and repression (pdf)