EU: Justice and Home Affairs Council, 18 September 2007, Brussels
01 September 2007
Final press release, 18 September 2007 (pdf)
Background Note (pdf)
B Points Agenda (pdf)
A Points Agenda (pdf)
Residence permits: The Council agreed a "general approach", see:
EU doc no: 12725/1/07 Rev 1 (pdf). This the fingerprinting of all residence third country nationals (just over 18 million people) and the use of the "chip" to include "e-government" (right to health, social security, etc) and "e-business" "services" as well as "additional provisions". Despite early differences between the EU governments the "hawks" have won:
"The capture of fingerprints is compulsory as of the age of six years of age"
Resident third country nationals - biometric residence permits (link)
Other items to be discussed/adopted:
Draft Council Conclusions on further reinforcing the EU's Southern Maritime Borders (pdf)
Council Decision on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (Prum, pdf)