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- Spain: SOS Racismo's reaction to creation of "Brigade for the Expulsion of Foreign Offenders"
Spain: SOS Racismo's reaction to creation of "Brigade for the Expulsion of Foreign Offenders"
01 October 2008
A day after the announcement on 25 September 2008 by the Secretary of State for Security, Antonio Camacho, that a special police brigade (Brigada de Expulsiones de Delincuentes Extranjeros, Bedex) would be set up to pursue foreign nationals involved in crimes that cause social alarm, such as membership of organised criminal gangs, terrorism or gender-based violence, SOS Racismo issued a statement describing the measure as a further step towards "legal apartheid".
"A new police brigade that increases legal apartheid" [English, Statewatch translation]
"Una nueva brigada policial que aumenta el apartheid jurídico" [original, in Spanish]