UK: Updated anti-extremism strategy published
01 June 2011
Updated anti-extremism strategy published (BBC News, link): the "
question is whether it will satisfy Muslims whom the government needs to get this work done. Prevent became a dirty word in many communities - and repairing a damaged brand is difficult work." And:
The new strategy also puts a renewed focus on the use of the internet and says the government will consider a "national blocking list" of violent and unlawful websites. Under the plans, computers in schools, libraries and colleges will also be barred from accessing unlawful material on the internet."
PREVENT Strategy (pdf)
Impact Assessment (pdf)
Consultation Summary (pdf)
Lord Carlile report (pdf)
See also:
Doctors asked to identify potential terrorists under government plans (Guardian, links) and
Official review finds scant evidence of state funds going to extremists: "
It will also introduce a new definition of extremism as "vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance for different faiths and beliefs.""