EU-USA PNR (Passenger Name Record): Draft Agreement between the USA and the EU on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Record data to the US Department of Homeland Security

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EU-USA PNR (Passenger Name Record): Draft Agreement between the USA and the EU on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Record data to the US Department of Homeland Security (EU doc no: 10453-11, 20.5.11, pdf)

See also: US to store passenger data for 15 years - Draft of Washington-EU deal leaked to the Guardian shows agreement 'violates basic European principles' (Guardian, link):

"A provisional agreement on sharing airline passenger data between the EU and the US has been in force since 2007, but has been the subject of an intense civil liberties debate across Europe. This draft agreement appears to give the Americans all they have asked for...

Jan Philip Albrecht, a German green party member of the European parliament's civil liberties committee, said the agreement in its current form should be rejected. "The planned PNR agreement with the US violates fundamental constitutional principles of European states. Europeans should have the right to protection of their fundamental rights when cooperating with other countries like the US and Australia.

And: Statewatch's Observatory on the exchange of data on passengers (PNR) with USA

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