POLAND-CIA: Fired Prosecutor accuses the authorities of allowing secret CIA jails

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POLAND-CIA: Fired Prosecutor accuses the authorities of allowing secret CIA jails: One of two prosecutors investigating Poland's involvement in a secret CIA rendition programme is said to formulate charges against the Polish government. According to a leading Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza Prosecutor Jerzy Mierzejewski, dismissed a few days ago, officially in an administrative shuffle, was ready to level charges against members of Poland's former leftist government for allowing the establishment in 2002 of the CIA "black site" in northeast Poland.

The daily reports that the decision to remove Prosecutor Mierzejewski from investigating the secret CIA prison was taken following Mierzejewskiâ's contacts with a lawyer representing one of the victims of CIA rendition programme, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Saudi terror suspect held in Guantanamo.

The press revelations come out just after Barack Obama's visit to Poland. On the eve of this event a coalition of legal and human rights organisations called on Poland's Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, to raise the issue of the CIA 'black site' in Poland with President Obama. See: Polish PM must raise CIA secret prison with Obama (Reprieve.org, link); Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights: HFHR statement

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