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- EU: JAIEX: This stands for the external aspect of Justice and Home Affairs policies and is a new influence on internal policy as well as another "backdoor" for hidden US interventions
EU: JAIEX: This stands for the external aspect of Justice and Home Affairs policies and is a new influence on internal policy as well as another "backdoor" for hidden US interventions
01 October 2011
EU: JAIEX: This stands for the external aspect of Justice and Home Affairs policies and is a new influence on internal policy as well as another "backdoor" for hidden US interventions:
Recommendations for JAIEX working methods (pdf). See, for example:
Summary of conclusions of the meeting of the JHA-RELEX Working Party (JAIEX) on 9 September 2011 (pdf) which includes:
Review of activities in the EU-US Cyber working party - information by the Commission
The Commission informed the group of the main activities so far in the working party that had been set up by the EU-US Summit of 30 November 2010. A draft work paper was issued on 14 April 2011. Four working groups had been set up, of which three are related to cybersecurity (computer incident, public/private sector cooperation, awareness raising) and one related to cybercrime. The Commission coordinated its efforts with the U.S Department of Homeland Security for the realisation of a timeframe for the upcoming joint exercise which would be held in Brussels in November 2011. In the fight against cybercrime 3 priorities have been chosen:
Abuse of domain names and IP address abuses:
Domain name anonymity is of great concern to the EU. ICANN did not follow the law enforcement recommendations that had been agreed in the JHA dialogue by the EU with its US counterparts. As ICANN is a self -regulating enterprise, the U.S authorities had no direct leverage. So far, the ICANN's tactic had been to delay the implementation process."