01 February 2012
EU: READMISSION AGREEMENTS: Council of the European Union:
Operationalising the Council Conclusions of 9 – 10 June 2011 defining the European Union Strategy on Readmission (pdf). The Council is aiming for: "a coherent return policy which should be embedded in the overall external relations policy of the European Union" which will lead to: "new, more efficient and flexible standard negotiation directives for the conclusion of readmission agreements between the Union and third countries."
The EU faces two problems: the "lack of real political will" on the part of third countries and "so-called"third country clauses"" (concerning the state in question being only a country of transit). Based on the Council Conclusions the Council Presidency is proposing that readmission agreements should be "linked" to agreements in "other policy areas" and the conclusion of these agreement should be: "made conditional on the willingness of the third country to also conclude a readmission agreement with the European Union and might in this way serve as a powerful incentive.." In the past the Council Council has used the "carrot and stick" approach, now it seems to be heading for using the "stick".
All readmission agreements have to ensure fundamental rights and human rights standards regarding returned people, however, this documents admits what many have long known namely that: "Currently there is no assessment of whether provisions on the monitoring of the human rights situation of readmitted persons can be implemented in practice"