EU: Statewatch Analysis: A proposal for an EU Immigration Code
01 January 2012
EU: Statewatch Analysis:
A proposal for an EU Immigration Code (64 pages, pdf) by Steve Peers, Professor of Law, University of Essex: Under the Stockholm Programme the EU is committed to the "“consolidation of all legislation in the area of “ensure fair treatment of third country nationals who reside legally on the territory of [the EU’s] Member States”. This substantive text of a Draft Code seeks to contribute to the debate:
Since the existing EU immigration law has often (rightly) been criticised for setting low standards on these issues, the adoption of an immigration Code will be an important opportunity to improve the substance and coherence of that existing law, in order to ensure that it is fair, understandable and transparent....
[T]his Statewatch analysis proposes a complete text of a draft Code [and] is intended as a contribution to the debate about the future proposal for a Code, which aims to raise the substantive standards and improve the procedural rights of legal immigrants, while also making the law simpler and more consistent."