EU: Call for full political and economic union
19 September 2012
Final Report of the Future of Europe Group: of the Foreign Ministers of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain (pdf)
The document sets out the "federal" project and includes proposals for "the protection of the Schengen areas external borders be strengthened (by creating a European Border Police) - FRONTEX to control all EU external borders? And to aim for a "European Defence Policy" with "the creation of a single market for armament projects." For some members of the Group the creation of a "European army" is needed. Some members of the Group want a directly elected Commission President "who would personally appoint the members of his [sic] "European Government" The rise of "nationalism and populism" requires, not the implementation of Article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty (under which a Member State can be suspended), but "a new light mechanism".
Ministers issue blueprint for stronger union (European Voice, link): "The European Union needs more powers to oversee national budgets, a directly elected president of the European Commission and a police force to guard its external borders, according to a report by the foreign ministers of 11 member states."
See also:
11 European Foreign Ministers Call for Greater Integration (IHT, New York Times, link)
EU heavyweights call for radical foreign and defence policy overhaul - Five of six biggest EU countries back plans which include pan-European foreign ministry and majority voting to bypass UK veto (Guardian, link)