20 December 2013
Latest "state of play" in the Council of the European Union: Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection: Discussions on its negotiating position regarding the Directive for Member State law enforcement agencies exchanging data and intelligence:
- Draft Council position:
11624-rev1-13 (88 pages, pdf) Council Presidency report on re-drafting of the Council's position with Member State positions
Compilation of Member State responses to the above Council Presidency draft (14901-rev-2-13, 121 pages, pdf) With the positions of: Germany, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Finland and Switzerland (This is a Mixed Committee proposal) and
Sweden's position (14901-add5-13, pdf) 5 pages
UK position (14901-add-4-13, pdf) 17 pages. The UK "opposes" or strongly opposes eight points in the Commission proposal and the supports the "removal" of 21 points in the Commission proposal. The UK proposes or opposes a large number of proposals for rights of access and mechanism for accountability. In general the UK feels that: "the text does not reflect the move towards privatisation of law enforcement activity".
- Commission proposal:
Proposal for a Directive on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and the free movement of such data (COM 10-12, pdf)