UK: RENDITION: Report of the Detainee Inquiry
19 December 2013
"The report does not find facts or reach conclusions. It is based on the scrutiny of documents, no witness has yet had the opportunity to explain or add to this information. But the Inquiry has shone a bright light onto issues which might be investigated further by a future Inquiry or on which the Government can take action now.
Documents indicate that in some instances UK intelligence officers were aware of inappropriate interrogation techniques and mistreatment or allegations of mistreatment of some detainees by liaison partners from other countries.
Documents indicate that Government or its Agencies may have become inappropriately involved in some cases of rendition."
See the full text:
Report of the Detainee Inquiry (19 December, pdf)
And see the Guardian coverage:
Rendition inquiry finds questions about UK involvement remain unanswered (link):
"Sir Peter Gibson highlights rendition of two Libyans to Tripoli and says allegations 'plainly required investigation'"
MI6 'turned blind eye' to torture of rendered detainees, finds Gibson report (link):
"Britain's intelligence agencies 'totally unprepared' for US response to 9/11 and years later 'co-operated with interrogations'"
MI5 and MI6 face questions over torture of terrorism suspects (link):
"Gibson inquiry concludes UK government and intelligence agencies had been involved in so-called rendition operations"