04 February 2013
"The European Commission has put forward the idea to merge CEPOL and EUROPOL. With 42 posts CEPOL is the second smallest agency. An important share of its staff deals with administrative tasks stemming from the Staff Regulations and the Financial Regulation. Further, UK's Home Secretary has already informed CEPOL that the headquarter agreement will end in spring 2014. In consequence, CEPOL is forced to look for a new building. Additionally, meeting the ambitious objective set by the Stockholm programme to train one third of those law enforcement officials involved in international cooperation CEPOL would need at minimum 12 additional posts to meet the objective and to cover the development of the European Training Scheme (ETS)." (Jutta Haug MEP)
Background on the proposed merger:
Joint Statement signed by the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission on decentralised agencies (19 July 2012, pdf)
The Common Approach was signed by the three institutions (see attachment) in July 2012 (pdf)