ITALY: ASGI's pre-election proposals to reform immigration laws
28 February 2013
In January 2013, looking ahead to the Italian general elections that were held on 24-25 February 2013, the Associazione di Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione (ASGI) presented a ten-point document. It proposed reform to Italian legislation concerning immigration, foreigners, asylum and citizenship, to take place during the 2013-2018 legislature.
The document describes this "radical reform" as "necessary", arguing that it can no longer be postponed. The 10 points in the proposals in its report are accompanied by in-depth analyses and a series of interventions in each field that ASGI deems necessary. These include the closure of Italy's "centri di identificazione ed espulsione" (CIEs, identification and expulsion centres) because they are "costly, useless...and blatantly contravene constitutional norms", ensuring the "effective exercise of the right to seek asylum" and "respect for the right of non-discrimination", among other issues.
The document provides an enlightening snapshot of the current situation from a legal perspective and tries to identify the priorities for advancing towards sustainability, respect for human rights and a more rational system that stops treating immigration as a temporary phenomenon or an emergency. It is directed at "any government that may be elected" noting that these reforms should be treated as a "priority".
- Programma di riforme in materia di immigrazione, diritto degli stranieri, asilo e cittadinanza per la legislatura 2013-2018,
full text (in Italian)
Summary of the proposals in ten points (Italian)
English version (summary)
French version (summary)