EU-USA: DATA SURVEILLANCE: MEPs slam US snooping, amid revelations France does the same

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The European Parliament agreed on Thursday (4 July) to launch an inquiry into US spy allegations, amid revelations that France has its own secret surveillance programme.

See the artcle: DATA SURVEILLANCE: MEPs slam US snooping, amid revelations France does the same (euobserver, link)

And see: MEPs to set up US spy scandal inquiry (The Parliament, link)

- France 'runs vast electronic spying operation using NSA-style methods': Intelligence agency has spied on French public's phone calls, emails and internet activity, says Le Monde newspaper (Guardian, link)

- Kroes: Spy scandal could harm US Cloud firms (euobserver, link)

- US and Germany to hold talks over European NSA surveillance concerns: Obama tells Merkel US 'takes seriously the concerns' but French interior minister admonishes US ambassador at 4 July party (Guardian, link)

- Latin American leaders slam US, EU on Morales flight (euobserver, link)

And see the article of John Pilger: Forcing down Evo Morales's plane was an act of air piracy: Denying the Bolivian president air space was a metaphor for the gangsterism that now rules the world (Guardian, link)

And also see: Revelations on the French Big Brother (Société, link)

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