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- USE OF DRONES: America’s Global Image Remains More
Positive than China’s
USE OF DRONES: America’s Global Image Remains More
Positive than China’s
18 July 2013
new poll(Pew Research Centre, link) has found that the US policy of drone strikes remains unpopular around the world, with a bigger number of countries surveyed than last year's round of questioning:
"In most of the nations polled, there continues to be extensive opposition to the American drone campaign against extremist leaders and organisations. In 31 nations, at least half disapprove of the US conducting drone missile strikes targeting extremists in places such as Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. At least three-in-four hold this view in 15 countries from all corners of the world, including nations from the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and Asia.... "The only three countries where majorities support the drone campaign are Israel (64% approve), Kenya (56%), and the US itself (61%)."
These results come at the same time as the Washington Post has run a piece on the expanding US drone surveillance program:
U.S. military drone surveillance is expanding to hot spots beyond declared combat zones (link)
Also se:
Poll reveals widespread international disapproval of drone strikes, (Statewatch database)