BULGARIA: Statewatch Analysis: The use and misuse of telephone taps and communications data by Bulgarian intelligence by Alexander Kashumov (Access to Information Program, AIP)

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Tzvetan Tzvetanov, Minister of Interior in the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) government from 2009-2013, was criticised for widespread unauthorised wiretapping after information was published in the media in 2013. Concerns surfaced following an anonymous complaint registered with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and a former minister’s outspoken allegation, in a television interview, that all GERB cabinet ministers were subject to permenant phone-tapping throughout their time in office. On 15 April 2013, the Prosecutor General told a press conference that his investigation had revealed a lack of oversight within the Internal Ministry Directorate responsible for the technical performance of phone tapping. The investigation’s report was only partly classified as secret, but neither the open nor the secret part of the report was made available to the public.

Full anaylsis: The use and misuse of telephone taps and communications data by Bulgarian intelligence by Alexander Kashumov

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