Dutch DPA: privacy policy Google in breach of data protection law
28 November 2013
"The combining of personal data by Google since the introduction of its new privacy policy on 1 March 2012 is in breach of the Dutch data protection act [Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens]. This is the conclusion of the investigation by the Dutch data protection authority [College bescherming persoonsgegevens]. Google combines the personal data from internet users that are collected by all kinds of different Google services, without adequately informing the users in advance and without asking for their consent. The investigation shows that Google does not properly inform users which personal data the company collects and combines, and for what purposes. "Google spins an invisible web of our personal data, without our consent. And that is forbidden by law", says the chairman of the Dutch data protection authority, Jacob Kohnstamm. The Dutch DPA has invited Google to attend a hearing, after which the authority will decide whether it will take enforcement measures."
See the full text:
Dutch DPA: privacy policy Google in breach of data protection law (link)