EU after Lampedusa tragedy: More border surveillance
04 October 2013
"EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said this tragedy shows the need for Europe to "become better at identifying and rescuing vessels at risk." ...A new border surveillance system, Eurosur, will become operational in December this year and will help countries better coordinate and use "improved surveillance technology" to track and rescue small ships, she added."
See the full article:
EU after Lampedusa tragedy: More border surveillance (euobserver, link)
And see:
Migrants' deaths prompt EU hand-wringing (european voice, link):
"Ska Keller, a German Green MEP who is the Green group's spokeswoman on migration, criticised Eurosur in its current form for not obliging member states to patrol high-risk areas. “New EU rules on the surveillance of external sea borders are currently under discussion in the European Parliament and Council but EU governments are again pushing for limited provisions for assistance in the case of emergencies,” she said.
“This position is not acceptable.” “EU governments must finally take their responsibility to prevent these avoidable tragedies off Europe's coast,” she said.