IRELAND: DNA database legislative proposal published
11 September 2013
"The Irish justice minister has published legislation to introduce a national DNA database in the Republic of Ireland.
Work to prepare the legislation has been under way for two years and Justice Minister Alan Shatter said he expects the database to be operational in 2014."
See the full article:
DNA database to become operational in Republic of Ireland (BBC News)
Also see:
DNA data 'to respect human rights' and
New DNA database will have profiles of 1,000 sex offenders (Irish Independent)
And see:
DNA database is one more tool that will help catch perpetrators, says RCNI and
Serious criminals will have DNA logged on international database (The Journal); and
Watchdog calls for privacy guarantees on DNA data sharing (Irish Council for Civil Liberties)
See the
full-text (pdf) of the Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013 and the Irish government's
Explanatory Memorandum (pdf)