CIA torture report
13 December 2014
Not-so-magnificent 7: Nations named & shamed in CIA torture report (RT, link):
"Fifty-four countries were named in the Senate report into US terror activities around the world. Here are seven governments whose leaders will be having sleepless nights trying to come up with excuses to explain their actions."
Torture report: CIA interrogations chief was involved in Latin American torture camps (The Telegraph, link):
"The CIA officer tasked with interrogating the most important prisoners in America's secret detention programme allegedly abused captives during the agency's covert operations in Latin America in the 1980s, it has emerged."
Italy complicit in US torture programme (The Local, link):
"Italy is among the many countries that was complicit in the US government torture programme, according to a report released on Tuesday, although it is also the only country where officials involved in the CIA programme have been convicted." For an in-depth examination of one aspect of Italy's involvement, see:
State secrets in the Abu Omar case: the transatlantic relationship undermines the rule of law in cases involving human rights abuses by intelligence services (pdf) by Yasha Maccanico
CIA torture report: British spy agencies discussed redactions (The Guardian, link):
"Britain's spying agencies did discuss redactions to the CIA torture report on the grounds of national security but not to cover up their own actions, David Cameron's deputy official spokesman has said."
Five Torturous Steps to Hell by Martin Scheinin (Just Security, link):
"In a short and early section of the SSCI's redacted summary of its torture report, we can read about the step-by-step descent from humanity to inhumanity, from the 20th century ideals of constitutionalism and human rights to 21st century reality, the reduction of living human beings to mere means in the hands of those who behave as if possessing absolute power. This descent was fast and short, just five steps in eleven months."
See previous news items (below) for further links and documentation.