EU: DATA PROTECTION REGULATION: Council of the European Union
19 December 2014
"Delegations find attached a revised version of the draft General Data Protection Regulation. This version seeks to take account of the discussions on the draft Regulation that took place in the Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection under the Italian Presidency.... the Presidency had also
circulated alternative drafts, which are set out in 16974/14 DATAPROTECT 187.
All changes made to the original Commission proposal are underlined text; where text has been deleted, this is indicated by (…). Where existing text has been moved, this text is indicated in italics. Changes that were not yet fully discussed in DAPIX are marked in bold underlining."
See the full text:
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation)(LIMITE doc no: 15395-14 (pdf) With 232 pages and 496 Footnotes/Reservations by Member States or the Commission)