Statewatch/TNI report: Eurodrones, Inc. by Ben Hayes, Chris Jones & Eric Töpfer (1)

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"Eurodrones, Inc. tells the story of how European citizens are unknowingly subsidising through their taxes a controversial drone industry yet are systematically excluded from any debates about their use. Behind empty promises of consultation, EU officials have turned over much of drone policy development to the European defence and security corporations which seek to profit from it. The current trajectory points in the direction of an increasingly militarised and repressive use of drones that will have far-reaching implications for the privacy and human rights for citizens of Europe and beyond."

Full report (pdf)
Executive summary (pdf)
Press release: English | German | Italian | Spanish (pdfs)

Press coverage:

EU 'secretly spent £320 million on surveillance drone development' (The Telegraph)
EU gibt mindestens 315 Millionen Euro für Drohnenforschung aus (Telepolis)
Una ONG critica la falta de transparencia en el uso civil de los ‘drones’ (El Pais)
Europa investeert half miljard in droneprojecten (
EU spending over $400m on secret drone project - Civil rights group (RT)
Where is the democratic control of EU Drone Policy? (Quaker Council for European Affairs)
EU-Drohnenprogramme werden ausgebaut (FM4
“L’Ue ha speso 350 milioni di euro per sviluppare droni segreti” (
EU steps up funding for drone research (euobserver)

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