UK: Cabinet Office: Government Security Classifications April 2014

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The state security classification system is to be changed from TOP SECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL and RESTRICTED to TOP SECRET, SECRET and OFFICIAL (with a sub-category of OFFICIAL–SENSITIVE). As the UK is bound by NATO and EU Treaties to follow the old classifications will current CONFIDENTIAL and RESTRICTED documents be bumped up to SECRET?

"National Caveats may be used to designate assets of particular sensitivity to the UK or where dissemination must be restricted to individuals from specific foreign nations. Unless explicitly named, information bearing a national caveat must not be sent to foreign governments, overseas contractors, international organisations or released to any foreign nationals (either overseas or in the UK) without the originator.s consent. Information should be marked in the format .CLASSIFICATION . CAVEAT., e.g: TOP SECRET . UK / US EYES ONLY"

The Official Secrets Act 1989 still applies: "Principle Two: EVERYONE who works with government (including staff, contractors and service providers) has a duty of confidentiality and a responsibility to safeguard any HMG information or data that they access, irrespective of whether it is marked or not, and must be provided with appropriate training."

See: Government Security Classifications April 2014 (pdf)

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