EU: Radicalism on the rise in Europe, says EU commissioner
15 January 2014
"The European Commission has said preventive action is needed to stop what it sees as spreading radicalism across the EU. “We see that extremism, xenophobia and nationalism keeps growing in Europe [and] we see worrying signals that these groups act as breeding grounds of ideology motivated by violence and extremist views,” EU commissioner for home affairs Cecilia Malmstrom told reporters in Brussels on Wednesday (15 January).
See the article:
Radicalism on the rise in Europe, says EU commissioner (euobserver, link)
And see:
Strengthening the EU's response to radicalisation and violent extremism (Press release, pdf), and:
Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strengthening the EU's Response (Communication, pdf)
Also see: SECILE Project:
Taking stock of EU Counter-terrorism policy and review mechanisms: Summary of Statewatch’s findings for SECILE project (pdf) SECILE is an EU-funded research project examining the impact, legitimacy and effectiveness of European Union counter-terrorism measures. Statewatch’s role in the project is to conduct a ‘stocktake’ of EU counter-terrorism measures and to collect and analyse data about their implementation. This documents summarises three of Statewatch's four reports..