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- EU: Council of the European Union: Digest of LIMITE documents: Comitology, Researchers, SCIFA, e-Law, Eurojust-Europol, IMS, EUBAM RAFAH and e-Law
EU: Council of the European Union: Digest of LIMITE documents: Comitology, Researchers, SCIFA, e-Law, Eurojust-Europol, IMS, EUBAM RAFAH and e-Law
11 July 2014
Examination of the Omnibus I and III proposals from the Commission by the Friends of the Presidency (Comitology) - Progress report (EU doc no: 11146-14, pdf)
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies, pupil exchange, remunerated and unremunerated training, voluntary service and au pairing [Recast] (165 pages, EU doc no: 11439-14, pdf). A total of 314 Member State reservations.
Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA) Subject: Discussion on the role and working methods of SCIFA (pdf)
4. ASYLUM: Strategic guidelines: Focus on the future of EU Asylum Policy (EU doc no: 11465-14, pdf)
5. Working Party on e-Law (e-Law): Concept of codification and consolidation at the EU level - Explanatory note (EU doc no: 11011-14, pdf)
6. Eurojust and Europol: To: Standing Commitee on operational cooperation on internal security (COSI): Joint Europol-Eurojust Annual Report to the Council and the Commission for 2013 (pdf) - see also on Joint Investigation Teams:
EUROJUST Annual Report 2013 (EU doc no: 11305-14, pdf)
The Future of the Information Management Strategy - 2014 and beyond - Discussion paper (EU doc no: 11286-14, pdf)
8. European External Action Service (EEAS) To: Political and Security Committee (PSC):
Interim Strategic Review of EUBAM Rafah (EU doc no: 11437-14, pdf)
9. Working Party on e-Law (e-Law):
National implementing measures - Conclusions (EU doc no: 11208-14, pdf