31 July 2014
"The Administrative Court of Appeals has temporarily suspended the decision of return of a Kenyan woman along with her three minor children in her homeland, based on the highly liked possibility of suffering irreparable harm, "consisting in exposure to risk their physical integrity"...
The Administrative Court of Appeals stated that their return to Kenya contains the highly liked possibility of suffering irreparable harm, “consisting in exposure to risk their physical integrity”, thus temporarily suspended the decision of their return. Additionally, the Court ordered the state authorities to refrain from any action which would result in "forced return" of them back to their homeland.
Finally, the Court ordered the "particular asylum seeker's card" to be returned if it had been removed- and to be renewed, if it had been expired."
See the full text:
Decision 419/2014 of the Administrative Court of Appeals, regarding international protection, on the grounds of fear of Female Genital Mutilation (pdf) by Eleni Koutroumpa – Evangelia Markaki Senior Investigators, Greek Ombudsman, Department of Human Rights.