UK: Privacy campaigners win concessions in UK surveillance report

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"Privacy campaigners have secured significant concessions in a key report into surveillance by the British security agencies published on Tuesday. The 132-page report, A Democratic Licence To Operate, which Nick Clegg commissioned last year in the wake of revelations by the US whistleblower Edward Snowden, acknowledges the importance of privacy concerns."

However: "Despite its concessions to the privacy lobby, the report overall is more favourable to the police and intelligence services than to the campaigners." The panel that wrote the report included "three former heads of UK intelligence agencies," and "also calls for an overhaul of existing legislation."

See the full article: Privacy campaigners win concessions in UK surveillance report (The Guardian, link)

And see the full report:
A Democratic Licence to Operate: Report of the Independent Surveillance Review (pdf) and: Statements by Panel Members (pdf)

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