EU: STOCKHOLM PROGRAMME: Council of the European Union: Future development of the JHA area - Letter of the Hellenic Presidency to the President of the European Council

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"The Hellenic Presidency believes that the debate in the Council demonstrated the importance of consolidating the progress achieved so far in the JHA area and of creating greater trust and closer links between different stakeholders. Member States were equally affirmative on the need to improve the link between the EU's internal and external policies, in order to create synergies and adopt a comprehensive approach to tackling the complex geo-political neighbourhood of the EU, the ever-evolving security challenges and the consequences of the global economic crisis."

See the full text: Future development of the JHA area - Letter of the Hellenic Presidency to the President of the European Council (doc no: 10753-14, 10 June, pdf) Note: the European Parliament is not in session and won't be until at least the middle of July.

See also: Council of the European Union: Future development of the area of Freedom, Security and Justice (doc no: 9531-14, 16 May 2014, pdf) Council Presidency paper for COREPER (the high-level committee of permanent national representatives based in Brussels) to discuss. The first full draft of the Programme to be adopted under the Italian Presidency. See: The next Justice and Home Affairs Programme: everything changed, so nothing can change? (link) by Henri Labayle and Emilio De Capitani

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