EU: SECRECY: Statewatch Analysis
27 March 2014
"• Parliamentary sovereignty in the EU under threat?
• The EU-USA agreement on the exchange of personal data, the later US intervention on draft new EU Data Protection Regulation and the Snowden revelations"
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch Director, comments:
“Subsequent events have shown that it was clearly in the public interest to make public the inadequate EU negotiating position back in 2010. The USA’s hostile reaction to the draft new EU Regulation on data protection in 2011 and the Snowden revelations from June 2013 demonstrate the need for binding privacy rights in the EU that cannot be negotiated away in secret meetings.
This case highlights the limits that have been put in place to try and restrict the sovereignty of national parliaments’ to decide for themselves what documents can be placed in the public domain in order that the people can understand what is being decided in their name.”
See the full text:
Statewatch, the European Commission and the Dutch Senate (pdf)