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- EU-eu-LISA: Report on the technical functioning of the Visa Information System (VIS)
EU-eu-LISA: Report on the technical functioning of the Visa Information System (VIS)
23 May 2014
See the full text:
Report on the technical functioning of the Visa Information System (VIS) (33 pages, pdf):
Report from the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) on the "technical functioning of the Visa Information System (VIS)".
"For the time being, Poland has proven to be the major user of the VIS together with France, executing about 20% of all VIS operations in each case. Spain is the third highest user of the system with 13% of the operations, closely followed by Lithuania (10%), Finland (10%) and Germany (8%)."
"By 31 August 2013, VIS has been used to process a 4,380,582 visa application, of which 3,681,377 culminated in the issue of a visa while 535, 261 applications were eventually refused."
And: "approximately 25.4% of the all [sic] applications do not have fingerprints attached. Nevertheless, there has been an increase in the proportion of registered applications with fingerprints compared to the total amount of registered applications over the reporting period. In 2011, registered applications with fingerprints represented 62% of the total amount of registered applications. In 2012 the amount increased to 69% whereas in 2013, registered applications with fingerprints represented 77% of all registered applications."