UK: MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight

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"Edward Snowden's disclosures of the scale of mass surveillance are "an embarrassing indictment" of the weak nature of the oversight and legal accountability of Britain's security and intelligence agencies, MPs have concluded."

See the article: MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight (Guardian, link)

And: MPs' verdict on spying oversight: a system fit for Smiley, not 21st century (Guardian, link)

See also: House of Commons Home Affairs Committee report on Counter-terrorism (9 May 2014, pdf)

And: Statewatch analysis: GCHQ is authorised to “spy on the world” but the UK Interception of Communications Commissioner says this is OK as it is “lawful” (pdf) by Tony Bunyan

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