European Parliament Hearing with papers
06 November 2014
Challenges in constitutional affairs in the new term: taking stock and looking forward (124 pages, pdf) including:
"Trends in differentiation of the EU Law and lessons for the future" by Professor Steve Peers, University of Essex.
And Study:
How to create a Transnational Party System (pdf):
"This study has been prepared by the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR), part of the European Democracy Observatory (EUDO) at the European University Institute (EUI). It covers four aspects: 1) An analysis of the political doctrine and programme of major political parties in several Member States. 2) An examination of current procedures applied to political parties to choose leaders for European Office. 3) The development of proposals on how to help a European political party system evolve from national structures strongly influenced by historical traditions and cultural factors. 4) Suggestions regarding the extent to which the European electoral system and different systems of party financing would have to be revised in order to facilitate the above objectives."