GERMANY: "Tear down European walls"
05 November 2014
The Zentrum fuer Politische Schoenheit (Centre for Political Beauty) has organised a protest with the slogan "tear down European walls" on the day of the commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 7th, 13:00). Buses will be organised that are then scheduled to leave from Berlin to various EU external borders in order to "tear down EU's wall".
"While Germnay will be remembering the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago the EU is constructing walls at its EU borders, which has already lead to the death of more than 30,000 persons". They have furthermore, removed white crosses remembering the dead of the Berlin Wall and have placed them at various locations at EU's borders in order to honour the deaths of those that have risked their lives to reach the territory of the EU
"Tear down European walls" (link)
Erster Europäischer Mauerfall (link)